Edit account details
onlineresume.us users can change some of their profile information on the profile settings page that you can find under the button "Account settings", after clicking on your profile image on the bottom left corner.

The profile details that can be updated are these:
The email address however, due to privacy reasons, can't be edited automatically. Click here to learn how to request an email address modification.
Edit profile image
In order to edit your profile image, simply click on the icon along your current profile image, this will open a window to select the new profile image among your local files. Once selected, don't forget to click the "SAVE CHANGES" button, otherwise when you leave the profile settings page, your new image will be lost.
All resumes created after having edited a profile image, will have the new image, the same is true when changing your name and surname.
How should the profile image be?
the profile image you'll add will resize in order to optimize it to use it on your resume, however, however if you want your image to have the highest possible quality, make sure to follow these rules:
- Upload a squared image
- The ideal size is 400 px x 400 px
- The ideal file size is under 400 MB
Edit name and surname
On the "Profile Settings" page you can edit your name and surname, these name and surname, will be used within the resumes you create from now on as well as your invoices.
Why isn't it possible to edit the email address?
Due to privacy reasons it isn't possible to automatically edit the email address associated with an account, since accounts can only be related with a single user. Therefore, the email field can't be edited within the profile settings page. However, we do understand that in some cases, a user might need to modify the email address associated with their account and appearing on their resume. Therefore if you need to change your email, please, send us an email to hello@onlineresume.us requesting it, we will study your case and after analyzing your case, we will update your email address, letting you know.
Editting information on an existing resume
If what you need is to edit your name and surname on an existing resume, you can do so following these instructions, if you want to edit an existing online resume followthese instructions. If you want to edit the image of an existing PDF resume, here you will find how to do it. And finally if you want to edit the image of an existing online resume follow these instructions.